With the advent of Print-On-Demand (POD) publishing, memoirs are no longer solely the prerogative of the rich and famous. Today, with modern technology anyone can publish a memoir, distribute paperback or hard cover versions to their family and friends, post their book on Amazon and BarnesandNoble.com, and have any orders printed and fulfilled as they come in, for less than a thousand dollars.
There are a variety of reason why you should consider publishing a memoir.
You may want to publish a story to leave a record, or legacy, for your children and grandchildren. Many memoirs are motivated by questions asked by children and grandchildren.
For some, writing a memoir is therapy allowing the author to get it out of their system and to make some sense of their lives. By giving it to the world by publishing it, perhaps others will benefit from what they you have learned
Sometimes children want to write down the stories told to them by their parents and grandparents.
You may want to publish a memoir or autobiography because you have a dramatic and compelling story to tell the world. Should your story and its lessons die with you?
How To Publish Your Memoir
Fortunately, with the advent of Print-On-Demand (POD) publishing, it is now easier and more affordable than ever to publish your memoir.
Bookstand Publishing will be happy to give you a FREE electronic copy of The Self-Publishing Checklist to help you prepare your memoir for publication. In this you will learn:
The ins and outs of self-publishing and its many advantages for the average author
Step by step illustrated instructions for setting up your book for print on demand publishing
Tips on preparing your book so it can be published in as little as 6 to 8 weeks
Effective marketing tips for promoting your book
In addition, we will give you:
Access to our pre-formatted MS Word Template to help you prepare your book for publication.
Acess to our Self-Publishing Made Easy Video Course
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